Two workers severely burnt by electric shock in Dhenkanal

Bhubaneswar, June 10: In a tragic incident, two workers were severely burnt in Dhenkanal district of Odisha, reports confirmed on Monday. The labourers have been identified as Jagga Mallik and Babuli Mallik.
According to reliable sources, the incident occurred when the workers were allegedly handling an iron rod that came into contact with a 33kv wire, causing it to become electrified. The electricity then passed through the rod to the workers, immediately shocking them.
The incident took place in Aluajharan village, within the Kamakhyanagar police station limits. On that morning, 8 to 10 workers were at the site when the 33kv wire above the house was accidentally damaged and went unnoticed.
Nearby workers quickly rescued Jagga and Babuli and took them to Kamakhyanagar Medical Centre. After initial treatment, they were transferred to Cuttack SCB Medical College and Hospital as their condition worsened. Fortunately, the other workers at the site were unharmed.
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